Monday, April 11, 2022

 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that ahs overcome the world – our faith. 1 John 5:4


Have you ever considered the strength of your faith? Faith is something that trusts, has confidence in….like a chair you sit in, you believe when you sit, it will hold you up. You have faith in a lot of things, your vehicle, your ability to walk, do things…the list is endless. But there is one element of faith in God that needs a closer look.


Today’s verse clearly states that your faith can overcome the trials and tribulations of this world. Your faith in God is what gives you strength to have victory over attacks by the enemy (satan). The more faith you have in God to sustain and protect you, the stronger you’ll be in the battle to keep you bound to sin and things that work against your relationship with the Lord.


“In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33


Jesus was clear when He said we’d have trials in life. But, by faith in Him, you can overcome the world through your faith in Him. It sounds easy, but sometimes in the heat of the battle, fear can creep in to weaken your faith. It’s important to keep your focus on God, not your problem. Your resources are limited when you view your problems alone, but by faith you can conquer them through prayer and trust in God to help you.


Your born again experience sealed you into an eternal promise, your faith has saved you for all eternity. Use your faith in God to overcome the obstacles life throws at you. The battle has already been won, keep the spirit of victory with you as you head out into the world today! God bless!


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