Wednesday, April 13, 2022

 Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9


As a teenager growing up there was a movie that came out with famous actress, Jody Foster, called “Freaky Friday.” Basically, the daughter and mother miraculously swapped brains for a period of time. The daughter was living in her mother’s body and the mother in her daughter’s body. It was funny to watch them trying to live out the life in each other’s role and it was life changing for both of them.


Wouldn’t it be cool if you could have the mind of God for a day? To think like Him, reason like He does and see people the way He sees them. Thankfully, as a child of God, He doesn’t leave you without His mind, heart and character. His Holy Spirit lives inside of you to help you navigate this life as He would have you to. The real question is, how in tune are you with His Spirit?


But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. 1 Corinthians 2:10


For me personally, I have to carve out a time of quietness in the early morning hours, so I can focus on His voice and study scriptures and read a few devotions so I can be more in tune with Him. Every single day, He provides nuggets of quality wisdom I can apply to my life. The more I can clear my mind of the world, the more space I give Him to reveal His will and wisdom for me.


You too can have this close connection with God. He has great plans for your life and until you are ready to listen, you will miss all the great wisdom He offers you to get through the challenges of life. Start today with a mind set on learning God! He’s already equipped you with His Spirit. Study and learn upon Him today and be blessed!


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