Wednesday, May 17, 2017

And the Heavens will praise Your wonders, O Lord; Your faithfulness also in the assembly of the saints.
Psalm 89:5

Once again I was blessed to visit the Smoky Mountains National Park this week. As I rode and hiked through the park, I couldn't help but think about God and how He created this beautiful sanctuary of plants and animals, all for our enjoyment. The enormous mountains, abundant water flowing in hundreds of creeks, variety of plants and wildlife, and the labor of men and women who constructed the roads and trails to allow access to see and explore. I truly believe God smiled when He spoke this place into existence. 

As a child of God, you know who the creator of life is and the world around you. Although you might never get to see spectacular mountains or the unending oceans the world right around you is a wonder itself. God created you and placed you right in the environment you call home. He knew just where to place you, just as He did the mountains and wildlife in the GSM. Is your life a "living wonder" to others? Do people see the beauty of God's presence in your life? We are to be "set apart" from the world for others to see God's goodness, grace and love. 

You may not think of yourself as one of God's "wonders", but you are. Live life like a mighty mountain, standing tall for Christ. Let love flow out from you, unending like the ocean's vastness. Move the hearts of people through generous giving of your time and resources. The world needs to be awed by His others His wonders through your life. The world is watching you. 
God bless. 

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