Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Depart from evil and do good:
Seek peace and pursue it. 
Psalm 34:14

Yesterday while driving home from work, I encountered a driver behind me who clearly was lacking in driving skills and had no thought for safety. She was all over my rear bumper and trying to pass in a road construction zone. Every minute that passed by fueled this anger inside towards this person. Eventually I was able to pull off to the side and let them go around. 

In life we often encounter people who are living their life totally different than ours. Their reckless behavior and selfish attitude can make our blood pressure max out. Thoughts of revenge and wishing ill things upon others who offend us seem to take over.  It's at that moment that we need to pull over mentally and pray for them. They need our prayers and God wants us to keep our cool so we can effectively reflect His character from our life. 

It's difficult to find peace if we allow other people's behavior to influence us in a negative way. Peace comes from God and our willingness to surrender our thoughts and feelings to Him. Prayer helps those who need it and shields us from getting caught up in other people's drama. 

Next time someone cuts you off or offends you in any way, don't bring out the big guns, but shoot them a prayer and ask God to give you the grace to continually reflect Him in your every action and thought. We need more peacemakers in this world. God bless. 

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