Friday, May 12, 2017

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Romans 8:11


Have you ever noticed, everything has an expiration date? Although some things don't really expire, the federal government requires companies post an expiration date on their product. Many good things and food items are discarded simply because a date stamped on the package says it’s no good after that time.


Sadly, many Christians appear to have reached their expiration date and are just sitting there doing nothing for the Lord. Capable as they are, they’ve determined in their own minds that the service they’ve provided over the years has been enough and now they are just waiting for the next life. God never created us to expire!! He raised Jesus Christ from the dead for a purpose….to defeat death! Yes, as humans our bodies will die, but the Holy Spirit God gives us, will live on to all eternity.


As a child of God, you do not have an expiration date, so don’t think you can settle in and cruise the easy life til you meet Jesus face to face. He wants you, and I, to be alive in the flesh to serve Him each day we breathe on planet earth! Find a way to serve Him today and rely on His Spirit to sustain you…even when your body wants to expire early into spiritual retirement….no such thing in God’s book! Keep living for Him daily! God bless!

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