Tuesday, May 16, 2017

But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.
Proverbs 4:18

I had the privilege to hike the Alum trail in the Great Smokey Mountains yesterday. As I walked on the path, I found its character much similar to life. As I began the trail was smooth, level and straight. But not too far on the journey, I encountered turns, steep inclines and even single wide logs that helped cross deep ravines. My fear of heights was put to the test, but I made it safely to the other side. 

As we go through life, we encounter those twist and turns....the challenge us to keep our momentum. Satan uses those parts of the trail to tire us and make us become lazy in our faith. Before too long we find ourselves backtracking. That's not good, because as a child of God you were meant to grow in your faith, not go backwards. So keep moving no matter how tired you become...God will sustain you. 

There will be times when you have to face something bigger than you. For me, I knew if I wanted to reach the top I had to cross the ravine with the only means possible. I did it with faith and trust in the log. When faced with a medical issue, relationship failure or any life event, trusting in God is the ONLY way to make it over the obstacle. It might be scary, you might not feel strong enough....embrace the hand of God. He will see you through. 

One of the most important things to do is stop and soak up God's blessings. It's necessary to look at the good things of life. If you gaze at the bad things, it will bring discouragement. Satan uses that crack to slide in his poison and toxify  your mind. Always think positive and gaze upon His beautiful creation. 

Life is a journey. The path is clearly marked out for you if you continually keep your focus on Him, trust Him in the scary times and never turn back. Trust me, the journey might be challenging, but the view from on top is amazing. Keep moving upward! 
God bless!!!!

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