Sunday, May 14, 2017

By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
Hebrews 10:10

As a parent of adult children, from time to time, you hear them share stories of things they did in their youth that were dangerous or wrong. Things you never knew happened, and quite frankly glad you didn't. If we parents knew everything our kids do, I doubt anyone would have a good night's rest. As you hear these stories, you thank God they made it through life and trust they learned a little wisdom along the way. 

For God, He sees everything we do....everything. Every thought we have, every word spoken and every action we take. Nothing we do is a surprise to Him. Knowing that, the burden can weigh heavily on our hearts to live up to His standards. As fleshly humans, it's impossible to be "saintly" 24/7. Thankfully, we are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. Our sins are forgiven even before we commit them. Confession of sin is necessary, because it shows God we acknowledge our waywardness and we honor His great sacrafice on our behalf. 

Maybe your past isn't perfect and you feel like you don't measure up as a child of God. Don't let the weight of your past keep you from being a more mature, wiser and an obedient child of God. Thank Him for all He has done on your behalf, acknowledge sin and walk freely by His grace. Your life will have more joy and peace knowing your sins are forgiven. God bless.

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