Tuesday, May 2, 2017

But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lust.
Romans 13:14
Many places of employment provide employees a uniform to wear. It provides identity for the person that they belong to a certain business, organization or function. At the end of the day, that uniform comes off and no longer display the identity of the company who employs you...yet you are still employed by them.

As a child of God, we have been provided the identity of Christ by receiving the Holy Spirit, which resides in our heart. Although His Spirit isn't visibly seen, God sees us and knows us and always monitoring our behavior. What He requires is we display our allegiance to Him by reflecting outward His ways, His words, His love to those around us. Every morning we need to mentally "put on Christ" in our life so others can see who we truly follow. 

Every word spoken, every good deed and every sacrifice should be a reflection of His presence in our life. Do others see the uniform of Christ in your life? Put on Christ each day and touch the lives of those who need His Spirit the most. God bless.  

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