Monday, May 15, 2017

Then the Pharisees went out and plotted against Him, how they might destroy Him. Matthew 12:14

From the time of birth up until Jesus died on the cross, the devil used people to try and destroy Him and His purpose here on earth. If you are a child of God, you can expect the same forces of evil coming against you, from people you know who might be your neighbor, co-workers, friends...even family. As long as you live on earth, you are on the devil's turf and he will use anything and anyone to destroy your testimony.

So what can you do to fight back? Pray for your offenders. Ask God to protect you, guide you through each day with His incredible wisdom, and sustain your joy in Jesus Christ. Satan wants to rob your joy and nothing ticks him off more than when he tries to inflict pain through circumstances and people, you keep smiling and praising God. When you express praise, it's like spraying water on a douses the enemy's flames. 

I'm pretty sure if you are reading today's blog you can point to someone or something you know is coming from the devil and it's wearing you down. Give the battle over to can't do it on your own. Pray, pray and pray, keep the faith and dig deep inside to generate a smile because joy extinquishes all attacks from the enemy. 
Go out today with love, prayer and joy and find peace on the battlefield. Have a blessed day. 

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