Wednesday, May 31, 2017

     If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:25
For me, I always like to see a "yield" sign vs. a "stop" sign. Stop means stop. It slows my travels. Where a yield sign allows me to keep moving if the traffic is clear. But...if a car is coming I have to give way to them. Yielding the right of way keeps me from having an accident, but the decision to yield is up to me. 

To live a life in Christ, we must learn to importance of yielding our ways to Him. God wants and expects us to keep moving through life, yet there are times when we have to wait for Him to allow us to "go" or when he asks that we surrender up something He knows is not good for us...we must obey and yeild to it. Unless we learn the importance of yielding our life to Christ 24/7, we will eventually crash. Spiritual repairs can take weeks and months to be repaired from our selfish will. 

Why keep your spiritual vessel in the repair shop? God wants you on the path of life, making an impact for Him with blessings along the way. Yield your entire life to His direction and purpose and you'll have uninterrupted travels and less heartache. Yield the right of way and stay safe! God bless.  

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