Thursday, May 25, 2017

He who is not with Me is against Me and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad. Matthew 12:30

In the game of football, players on the field are either playing defense or offense. The defense is protecting their goal and always feeling the push, the pressure from the opposing team. The offense is always moving ahead to reach the goal. The offensive team is usually the most recognized because they score points to win. 

The Christian life is like those players. Let me explain. If you are not living an obedient life in Christ then you are on the defense, always pushing against everything and everyone to protect "your way". You don't want "God's way", so you are always pushing back...trying to defend yourself. That battle of living a "self-pleasing" life will wear you down, and certainly won't have God's blessings...or help. 

If you are with God and live within His will, you are on the offense. Always moving forward, towards the goal. You are on God's side when you follow behind Him, every step of the way. And the greatest reward is scoring points. If you are on the winning team, life will be more rewarding than trying to defend your own persoanl pursuits. 

So whose side are you on? Evaluate your life and switch sides if you recognize any selfishness in your thoughts and actions. It's easier to advance than push against God's winning team. Play offense with God and rack up points for Him. Your reward awaits you in Heaven!
God bless.

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