Saturday, May 13, 2017

Test all things, hold fast to what is good.
1 Thessalonians 5:21

"Justifying wrong doesn't make things right". This was a thought that came to me the other day while walking. So often we want something or someone in our life. We weight out the good and bad and hopefully make wisest choice. Unfortunately, we try to justify the wrong things about something or someone and we allow it to come into our life.....only days, weeks, months....even years, regret our decision. 

Decisions based on "feelings" usually never work out for the best. God gave us a heart to keep us living and a brain to make wise decisions. When we allow our heart to make decisions for us, trouble follows. God gave you a brain....use it! If you find yourself "justifying" wrong things in a relationship, then it won't be any better once you engage in it. Bad is bad....and when you try to make it into "good", you will eventually see why you had to stop and think about it. 

Test all things, hold onto the good things in life. Some of the best words of wisdom you can grasp. Life will be much simpler and without a lot of drama and heartache. Test everything with Godly wisdom and you will find goodness last for years and years. Have a blessed day! 

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