Saturday, May 6, 2017

Righteousness will go before Him, and shall make His footsteps our pathway. Psalm 85:13

One of my enjoyments is hiking. We are very fortunate in the Southeast to have so many state and federal parks that offer miles and miles of trails. Each pathway was designed and constructed, through thoughtful planning and hard work, for our enjoyment. It always fascinates me how much work has gone into some of the most challenging trails. 

As children of God, we journey through life not alone, but with our Savior Jesus Christ, who resides in us through His Holy Spirit. If we keep our focus on Him, we can hear His wisdom calling out to us in the steps we should take. He has laid out a specific pathway for each believer. Some parts of the trail are smooth and easy traveled: others are more challenging, long and strenuous. Each portion of the pathway has a purpose to grow us, strengthen our faith and provide opportunities to rest and thank Him for guiding us step by step. 

Maybe today you are on the long, strenuous stretch of pathway that seems to have weakened your spirit and you are ready to give up. Stop and rest, draw upon His Spirit's strength to restore you so the next steps ahead won't be so painful. He will restore and sustain your journey if you simply look to Him. Find Him on your knees in prayer. He is faithful and will bless your acknowledgement that you can't do it need His help. Call on Him today. 
Keep moving ahead, the trail will level out soon!
God bless.

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