Sunday, May 7, 2017

Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.
Matthew 5:11 

It's pretty obvious these days when we see a foreigner come into our presence. They look different, act different, speak a different language. Everything about them is so unlike who we are in America. Thankfully, this country welcomes those outside its borders to visit this great nation. 

As a child of God we are called to live as foreigners in the world. Jesus stated this clearly in John 15: 18-19. Our citizenship is not on earth, but Heaven. We are called to live a different way of life that does not resemble the ways of the world. Anything that resembles darkness should be voided from our life....everything. 

Reality your words, thoughts, actions, reputation go against the grain of the world? If so, you will most likely face ridicule, isolation and a life challenged by the people who live as citizens of the world. As God's children we can expect to be treated poorly if we are truly living out our faith. The world took the life of our Savior Jesus Chirst. That's how much the world hated Him. 

The good news though, He defeated everything the world tried to do to Him. He arose from the dead three days later and now reigns in Heaven and on earth inside every believer. Understand, you will face all kinds of difficulty here on earth, but the One who saved your soul resides in you. You have the victory inside your heart. Draw upon the power of God's spirit to sustain you in the midst of persecution and trials. He will bless you richly when you live in complete obedience to Him. 
Praise Him when trouble comes...He will bless you for your faithfulness! Have a blessed day friend  

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