Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Psalm 2:11

As a child of God, have you taken time to think about who it is you serve? God our Father, is the creator of all things. Everything in the Heavens and on earth are His masterpiece. With one word spoken, he can create, destroy, alter and stop anything He chooses. He is the eternal King who deserves our reverence. 

Does the way you live your life reflect the respect you have for God or do you go about your day living for self. The bible says you can't serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). If you truly are a child of God, you will recognize His authority and follow in His ways of obedience. Anything less is disobedience and blessings can't be found when you walk away from God and dishonor Him by your waywardness. 

Want to be richly blessed in life? Live obediently, respect His authority and give Him praise in all things. By doing so, you show the world who reins in your life. 
Have a blessed day.

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