Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, and revive me in Your way. Psalm 119:37

While in High School, I ran high and low hurdles in track. The key to success when running this race is to keep your focus ahead. One distraction will put you out of sync and cause you to have an accident while leaping over the hurdle. 

After God lead me to this verse, I sat back for a few minutes and thought about my life. How many times I turned my attention away from what I knew was right and pursued something outside His will.  Trust me, I crashed every time. Yet, God was right there, helped me up and encouraged me to keep running and look straight ahead. And that I did after each wreck. As I've progressed through life, those distractions don't seem to get my attention any more. I've learned that this race called life is mine and it's up to me how I get to the finish line. 

Believe it or not, you too are running with me. We are all running the race of life. Where is your focus? If it's not on God's truth, then you are distracted and eventually it will be a hurdle that will cause you to crash. Fewer hurdles come when we completely keep our focus straight ahead. Never forget that friend, life will be a little easier. Maybe it's time to rid yourself of the hurdles already in your lane. Cut them loose and never allow them to distract you again. Keep running...God is with you all the way!

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