Friday, May 5, 2017

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6

Butter, it's my favorite food! When having bread, baked potatoes or anything deserving butter, I make sure the entire surface is covered. By doing so, it flavors all that I eat. 

God's presence in a believers life is sweet. But far too often, we limit portions of our life to His influence. A prideful heart holds Him back from areas of our life that don't fall in line with His ways...little sinful pleasures we covet and try to keep hidden from God, keeps us from giving Him our "all". In the process, we loose out on His goodness in all areas of our life. He knows what's best for each of us and He wants to sweeten your life. By surrendering yourself to His will, you open all areas of your life to be covered by His blessings. 

What area of your life are you holding out on God? He sees your entire surface and longs to cover all of your life with His love and goodness. Won't you surrender everything to Him today? Life will have more flavor and blessings are sure to follow. God bless. 

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