Thursday, June 1, 2017

So he (Moses) cried out to the Lord and the Lord showed him a tree. When he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweet. Exodus 15:25

Have you ever heard someone say..."that person is so sweet, they could sweeten tea by dipping their finger in the glass". That's a pretty sweet person if true. :) 

As humans, we do things and add things to our life to make it sweeter. We sometimes become obsessed with  sweetening our life with things, relationships and passions. As soon as the thrill wares off, we are back at it....trying to add more and more. The problem is we will never be completely satisfied. Life will never be sweet enough if we work at it on our own.

But, if you allow God to work in every aspect of your life, He will sweeten it with things that far outlast what the world has to offer. In today's verse we see the Israelites had traveled for 3 days with no water, when they run upon a body of water that unfortunatly was bitter. When Moses called out to God, His hand prepared a tree that would turn bitter water into something sweet. 

What are you thirsting for in life? If you want a life full of joy, peace and satisfaction, seek after the things of God. He is your life sweetener. Sweeten it today through prayer and the bitterness of life turn into something sweet, only God can provide. God bless.

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