Saturday, June 24, 2017

But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good in order to bring it about as it is this day; to save many people alive. 
Genesis 50:20

Wrongly accused and treated unfairly. Has this ever happened to you? In the last chapters of Genesis, we read about Joseph. As a young boy, his father loved him more than his older brothers. Out of envy, his brothers sold Joseph into slavery. While separated from his family, Joseph lived closely to God and God blessed him. Everything Joseph did was done well and it advanced him from slavery, being falsely accused of sleeping with his masters wife and thrown in jail, to interpreting the dream of Pharaoh and he was given leadership over the land. 

While in charge, Joseph knew famine was coming and stored back grains and food for the years of drought. He was able to save many people, including his father and his jealous brothers by providing them food for the lean years. When you sit back and digest this entire story, you see that without Joesph going through this horrible chain of events, many would have starved and died. God used Josephs mistreatment to place him in a higher position to bring blessings to others. 

Maybe you've been wrongly accused or treated unfairly by co-workers, friends...maybe even your own family. Although it's a painful experience, trust God in what's happening and stay the the obedient child of God He has called you to be. Keep living the faith for Romans 8:28 says..."and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 

If you are a child of God, you have a purpose and that's to obey Him and always stay true to your faith no matter what horrible events befall you. God has a plan and purpose for every event in your life. Let me say it again...God has a PLAN and PURPOSE for every event in your life. Trust Him and follow in obedience, then watch His works unfold before you to bring blessings down the road. Keep living the faith! God bless.

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