Friday, June 9, 2017

And above all things have fervent love for one another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins.". 1 Peter 4:8

It seems today we live in an "IF" society. "IF" you make me happy I will continue to be faithful to you. "IF" you support me financially I will keep loving you. "IF" you treat me right I will treat you right. When you base your love, commitment and attitude towards others on "if", you become "conditional". "I'll treat you, how you treat me". That way of thinking makes you an unreliable child of God. 

God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to save us from our sins because He loved us.....we are His creation. The world hated Him, yet with unconditional love, He gave His all to save you and me from eternity in Hell. God's truest act of unconditional love should be the hallmark of our life. We shouldn't allow others behavior  determine if we will still love someone, remain faithful and respect them. As today's scripture says, "love" covers a multitude of sins. 

If God can loves us with an unconditional attitude, we (as children of God) should also love others without the "if" attitude. Loving others like this takes time and much strength from the Lord. Pray and ask God to help you remove those conditional "ifs" and replace them with unconditional love. The world needs more love and everyone without conditions! 
God bless.

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