Friday, June 30, 2017

The morsel you have eaten, you will vomit up, and waste your pleasant words. Proverbs 23:8

What a gross thing to think about eating something we think is good then turn around and vomit it up. Yuck! Yet, we can do that in the conversations we engage in with others. We spend time with co-workers or friends and before too long the conversation turns to gossip or negativity. As we feed on the topic, we get sucked into the feast of poison. Our engagement in the conversation just fuels it's fire and shows our approval by allowing it to occur. 

As a child of God, your speech should be seasoned with grace, always with a spirit of forgiveness, humbleness and love. When we engage in conversations counter to these spiritual attributes, we weaken our testimony to those around us and others will be quick to mention our name and unspoken approval of such negative thinking when the next poisionous feast occurs. You are a light. Don't allow yourself to walk in the darkness. Those around you will quickly try to blow out that light so their wicked ways won't be exposed. Walk away from those feasts of negativity and say a prayer for them. There is much said when you stand away,yet visible from a distance. 

There is a lot of talk these days. Don't get sucked into the darkest of the light that shines from afar and keep praying for those who toxify themselves with negativity and gossip. Your lack of engagement will keep your mind free to focus on right things and walk in the way of the Lord. Stay the course friend and keep your light shining for Him. God bless.

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