Sunday, June 18, 2017

And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from Heaven which said, "You are Me beloved Son; in You I am well pleased."
Luke 3:22

Dad's come in various shapes and sizes. Their roles vary from one father to another...some are active in their children's lives, others not much so. You may be reading this and not even know your father. Father's don't really have an instruction manual....they often follow suit from the interactions they had with their father. Being a father is a tall order and so often we dad's fail in our responsibilities. No one is perfect in life. 

But, as we read in today's passage, God....the creator of everything and everyone, recognized Jesus Christ, His Son, who was baptized. God blessed us by providing Jesus as an atonement for the trespasses of everyone. No matter what role your dad has or has not played in your life, you need to realize, God created you. Without your dad, you wouldn't be here right now. 

If you are without an earthly father, you have One Father in Heaven who loves you and saw it necessary to bring you into this world with the help of your biological father. 
Thank God for your existence and for using him to start your life. I personally fall into this category. 

But, I was also blessed through adoption and placed in the arms of a couple who loved and cared for me. My father has shown me much love through the years in the ways he knows how. And I pass along those expressions of love to my children. If you have a father here on earth who loves you, friend you are richly blessed. Thank him and love Him. God used him to bring you here to this world. Happy Father's day! God bless.

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