Saturday, June 10, 2017

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. 
1 Peter 4:12-13

If you spend much time on facebook, you start to think that everyone's life is perfect, everyone is so happy....all these special moments, anniversaries and promotions. After a while it can leave you wondering why your life isn't more fulfilling. If you were able to see the moments leading up to that momentary smile you'd probably find the happy couple had a stressful moment with the kids fighting and as the moon and stars all aligned...the kids were in one place with the parents and everyone was happy that second...bam...picture taken. :) or that wedding anniversary...but if you looked over those years leading up to the. Anniversary, you'd find moments of struggles, arguments and possibly talk of separation. 

I hate to break it to you, facebook is really "fakebook". Don't put your emotions on a roller coaster by comparing your life to others. So, as today's scripture says, we will encounter fiery trials, moments when all hell breaks loose and chaos abounds. That's life, and if you could look behind the scenes, most likely Satan has orchestrated the stressful situation to rob you of joy and peace. You have to understand your position as a child of are an enemy to Satan and he will use anything to destroy what's good in your life. That what it means to endure the sufferings of Christ. As long as you bear your Jesus jersey, you have an apponent ready to tackle you.

Take life one day at a time and put your faith and trust in Jesus to see you through each moment. Life won't always be full of smiles and accomplishments....but in Christ you can find comfort, strength and joy. Trust Him every day and find joy unspeakable even through the toughest of days. God bless.

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