Wednesday, June 28, 2017

 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 
2 Corinthians 3:18

 Have you ever gone for a period of time with something on your face, hair sticking up in the back or maybe your shirt collar not positioned just right? All this goes on, until you step in front of a mirror and see the flaw. You quickly fix the problem and hope no one noticed...but if they did, you ask why didn't they say anything. Embarrassment probably accompanies this situation as well.

Reality check, as a child of God, have you looked in the spiritual mirror to see if you have any flaws going on in your daily life? If you are human, you most certainly do have some flaws. No one is perfect and we all sin. But there might be something going on in your life that flies just under your fleshly radar, yet doesn't truly reflect the image of God to those outside the faith. Maybe there is a pleasure, habbit or relationship that doesn't reflect the pureness of Christ? Genesis says, God created man in His image. Are you reflecting Christ in all areas of your life? 

If you are a child of God, it should be your goal to surrender everything that blurs His reflection. Trust me, no one on earth will question your questionable behavior. That's why it's important to go before God every day and ask Him to create awareness of your fleshly flaws and help your fix those little pieces of life sticking up or align your relationships in His will. You can go forever without looking in a mirror, but for the believer, it's important to always stand in front of God's mirror to make sure your reflecting the right image. Check yourself today and ask God to reveal those flaws and fix them immediatly. The world is watching and need His image to live by. 
Have a blessed day.

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