Thursday, June 29, 2017

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. 
Isaiah 43:2

Back in my college years, I took a semester of study out west in Colorado. It was the most awesome time of my life. But, on one occasion I faced death head on. The group I was with had to hike up Pike's Peak, to timberline. There, were cabins that awaited us. About 3/4 the way up the mountain, we felt the effects of less oxygen the further we climbed. It was a struggle for this flatlander to take each step. Then, out of no where this powerful winter storm hit us on the side of that mountain. Blowing snow, frigid temperatures and less oxygen made for a very difficult climb. Our group would take a few steps, then fall to the ground for air and rest. Eventually we made it to the cabins, but not without some of our group experiencing frostbite and dehydration.

Looking back, I am still amazed that we even survived. The trail was covered in snow.  Thankfully our group leader knew the way up the mountain. Without him, we probably wouldn't have made it. How about you....have you ever experienced a life and death matter and came out alive and well? God watches over His children. 

Unexpected storms can blow in from out of no where, leaving us with the fear of defeat, even death. But, when we call upon the Lord, He makes a provider, Jesus Christ. He knows the way through your predicament. Trust Him with every step. As today's verse will walk through the fire's and waters of life, but they will not knock you over or scorch you. 

Storms of life never cease. If you are going through one now, follow Him through the fire, wade through the deep waters with confidence. He loves you enough to shield you from the worst of the storm. It may seem like hell, it might feel like a flood....on the other side of His protective hand is defeat....thankfully you are on the inside of that hand, protected. Thank Him for His protection and guidance. Travel through the storms of life knowing He is always with you. God bless.

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