Friday, June 16, 2017

Hear, O you mountains, the Lord's complaint, and you strong foundations of the earth; for the Lord has a complaint against His people, and He will contend with Israel. Micah 6:2

One of my jobs as a supervisor is to listen to people's complaints and try to find a resolution to their concern. Sometimes it's an easy fix by making one phone call, other times its more complex and involves researching policy, verifying with my boss and making a decision. Complaints almost always result in a change, either on the agency's part or the part of the complainer.

In today's passage we read that Micah was telling God's people He was not pleased with their behavior and had a complaint against them. Just imagine, the creator of everything, God himself had a complaint against His people. You would think they would live a righteous life to please and honor God. But they didn't, and when a complaint comes along, so does the need for a behavioral change. 

How about your life? Does God have a complaint against you? If you are living outside His will in any area of your life, He has a complaint to voice. Are you listening out for that voice, or has pride and self indulgence turned a deaf ear towards the voice of God. If it has, be prepared for God to allow painful discplining to come your way. If you are a child of God, He will not allow you to continue to live outside His will. Why? Because He loves you and wants you to live life to its fullest and He wants to bless you, rewarding you for good behavior. 

Living life "by the book", the word of God, is the only way to please Him. Read it daily and ask God to help transform your life into a reflection of His thoughts, His ways and His grace towards others. Does God have a complaint against you? If so, listen to His voice and take heed. He wants you on the path of righteousness....stay in His perfect will today. God bless.

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