Monday, June 5, 2017

You shall have no other gods before Me. Exodus 20:3

I learned something of value at church Sunday morning. The preacher was talking about clay and how in the hands of the potter, he applies the most pressure to the clay when it gets "off center" from the wheel. As long as the clay stays centered, the potter can make something useful from the lump of clay. 

How true this is in the life of a child of God. We are referred to as clay and the potter is God. When we stay in the center of His will, He can use us for His glory and make something beautiful from our life. But once we slide off center, He has to apply pressure to push us back within His will. The center of that spinning wheel is exactly where He can use us. 

Does it seem like difficulty has arrived and you are feeling the pressures of life zapping your energy? Believe me, I've been there and it's not pleasant. Check yourself.....are you in the center of God's will? Most likely you've slid in a certain area of your life. Unless you surrender your prideful ways to the Lord, the pressure will continue until you have no strength to hold up. Keeping God at the center of every aspect of your life will keep you centered on the wheel and He won't have to allow difficulty to press you back into good standing with Him. 

Stay centered friend by keeping God at the center of your life and you will find abundant blessings and your life will have more purpose in serving Him. Have a blessed day

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