Sunday, June 25, 2017

For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. 
Habakkuk 2:3

Yesterday the final wave of storms passed through our area and the weather forecast between here and the Smoky Mountains looked good for the next few days. So I quickly threw clothes in my saddle bag and off I rode on my motorcycle. 165 miles from home I encounter an unexpected storm with heavy and repeated rains. I found shelter in a bank drive through and waited it out. Once the rain stopped and sun came out, I slowly traveled a little further north, reached Blue Ridge, ate supper and decided to come back since it was so late.  Although disappointed I wasn't able to get to my intended destination, I still enjoyed the ride. 

In yesterday's blog I talked about those times when we are falsely accused or done wrong by others. God has a plan and purpose for everything. When we encounter unexpected storms, we have to remember God has allowed them to come into our life. What's our responsibility? Drive safe....journey through the storm at a slower pace....God has a purpose in the rain storm of adversity and if you keep a fast pace you'll either miss His blessings or have a wreck. Sometimes God allows those storms to slow us down, meanwhile He is preparing the way forward. Never discredit a storm, there is a purpose in it...Drive slow and safely through it. 

Are you in a storm? Trust God to steer you forward, it's ok to stop and seek shelter under His loving arms of protection and healing. When the sun comes back out, you can resume your normal pace. Wait upon the Lord and He shall renew your strength so you can soar like the eagles. Trust Him in the storm and drive safely through life friend. God bless.

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