Tuesday, June 13, 2017

....The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16

Have you ever mailed a card to someone, only to find it back in your mailbox with the following note: "More Postage Needed"? It happens when your card weighs more than the allotted amount according to the postage (stamp) you have affixed to the envelope. Oftentimes large cards or cards with something enclosed puts it over the weight limit. So, you add postage and mail it again, finally it gets to its intended destination. 

The same is true in the prayer life of a child of God. You pray for something....healing, a new job, restored marriage, help in financial difficulty......the list is endless. It seems you pray and pray with no results. Friend, keep praying. You might not hear God say "more prayers needed", but He is most likely evaluating your request to see just how much you want this request to be answered. Sometimes God allows a great deal of time to pass before your prayer is answered. He hears you and He sees your need, yet He needs your commitment to the request. Sometimes the most heavy burden requires the greatest prayers, on your knees in complete humbleness and obedience to Him. 

How about it? Got a prayer request in the outgoing mail? Is it still in the prayer box? Keep praying, pray with a fervent spirit....God will answer your prayer once the prayer postage has been met. Keep praying! 
God bless.

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