Saturday, June 17, 2017

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1

Lip service. It's saying what you do or will do, when in actuality you do the opposite. Living out your words takes a commitment to stay true to yourself and God. When you "perform life" you are acting out some mystical idea or thought in your mind. Be YOU! Be true to God and most of all always keep honesty in the forefront of everything you do in life. 

God wants His children to be faithful, loving and honest individuals. There is nothing fake in Christ. He is the "real McCoy". We should strive to reflect His perfection every day. Yes, we will fail one is perfect. But, if we knowingly have the opportunity to do something right, we need to do it to the fullest and trust God with the consequences of our obedience. 

Is your daily life acceptable to God? Find areas that need some work and ask Him to help correct the wrong. He wants to perfect you through life's sanctification process but He needs a surrendered life, willing to be transformed into His image. Won't you be that living sacrafice today, pleasing and honoring to our God and precious Savior. He is calling you today, respond in obedience. 
God bless.

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