Friday, June 23, 2017

"In My Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go and prepare a place for you."
John 14:2

The one thing I look forward throughout the work day, is when I can come back home and relax after a busy and challenging day in the office. Having that one thing to look forward to helps me push forward, through the daily grind of work.

Our laboring in this world often finds us stressed and faced with challenges that can overwhelm even the strongest of faith. God promises to always be with us. His Spirit lives inside of each believer. He senses when your heart is burdened and your strength is weak. When you acknowledge your need, He responds with His mighty hand to guide you, strengthen you and encourage you to keep moving forward. He never stops providing His resources to His children, so never give up. 

You have a mansion waiting on you at the end of this earthly life, find moments of peace and comfort knowing that life's challenges are worth it for the reward that awaits you for all eternity. Keep living the faith, your mansion awaits you! God bless.

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