Monday, June 19, 2017

A man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9

There is an old saying..."Mother Nature has the final say". Storms alter the course of everything from vehicles, ships and planes...even the NASA works around storms. Family gatherings, outdoor adventures and work can cease with an approaching storm. Mother Nature is powerful and unless you respect her fury, your plans could have devastating consequences if you don't alter your course.

As I've added years to my life, I've found many times the storms of life come at the most inconvenient times.  Plans to pay off a debt are put aside for some unexpected medical procedure, a vacation halted by sickness or a pleasant meal shortened due to an unruly child who is having a meltdown. Life can find storms without searching too hard. How you respond is critical in maintaining your spiritual influence on those around you. Something my work agency always says....its neccesary to remain "fluid". Meaning, when those unexpected storms come, be ready to alter your course and trust God in the process. 

I've found these life storms were allowed to come through the loving hands of God. Oh yes, some storms might mean the end to someone's life, yet God can orchestrate a miraculous miracle in the hurricane of grief and unending pain. Remaining fluid, trusting God and adjusting our plans to align with His are the only way to find eternal blessings when everything seems hopeless. 

Are you facing a life altering storm? Be ready to change plans and follow His path through the circumstance. He loves you enough to make it worth your while to seek His ways and find peace in the middle of chaos. Trust Him today. God bless.  

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