Thursday, June 22, 2017

Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. 
Colossians 4:5

For some people, bird watching is a fun and exciting hobby. There are so many birds out there to explore and with each new find comes the thrill of documenting your sighting. Knowing how a bird behaves in its flight pattern, food selection and overall demeanor will help you identify the bird. Of course it's shape, size and coloring make it easy as well, but a bird's behavior is often the very thing that confirms it's breed. 

For the child of God, we need to realize people are watching us. Our life should stand out, differing from others in our behaviors, speech and even our thoughts. If we live counter to scripture, then it will be difficult for someone outside the faith to see what Christ looks like from their view point. 

Live out each day, following Christ's example, and you won't confuse those seeking truth in the Lord. The world needs to identify Christ, can they see Him in you? ‎

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