Friday, June 2, 2017

And forgot His works and His wonders that He had shown them. Psalm 78:11

Have you ever fixed something, then over time it needed fixing again....and you forgot what you did to fix it the first time? Happens to me more often as I get older. Writing it down helps, so when faced with the need to perform this task again, I can do it without trying to figure it out all over again. Having those written instructions helps my confidence knowing there is a way to fix it.

Same is true in our walk with the Lord. He is with us, 24/7, always working His power to see us through life's broken moments. On the other side of our difficulty is victory. It's so important to keep a record of these "spiritual victories". Documenting the trial, words and scripture the Lord imparted for your benefit and wisdom, and the way that He worked to bring resolution to your crises, will be good reference when you face a similar situation. It can also be good reference material when someone you know is going through the same battle and you can offer assurance from what you experienced. 

Let us never forget the goodness of God and what He has done for us. Referring back through the journal gives us confidence in knowing God is with us and wants to help see us through each crisis, big or small. He loves you, never forget His expressions of love by His handiwork in your life. God bless.

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