Thursday, June 8, 2017

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16:33

One of my passions is riding my motorcycle, almost on a daily basis. The weather is a deciding factor if it's suitable to ride. Rainy days aren't much fun and make it unsafe. Here lately I haven't been able to ride due to our daily rains. 

On several occasions I have left the house with abundant sunshine and miles of pavement lay ahead waiting to explore. But, as the day goes on, storm clouds develop and up ahead I can see weather not suitable even for someone in a car. So what do I do? I seek shelter under a church breezeway or an overpass. There, I'm safe and dry, and wait patiently for the storm to pass. If I step out from under the shelter, I'll get wet and risk injury. 

How true is our Christian journey. Most days, our morning starts out pretty well. As the day progresses, here comes Satan with his storm clouds brewing, trying to bring havoc and chaos to our life. Look ahead for the shelter of God's mighty hand friend. Stay close to Him, seek out His protection, His wisdom and grip His hand tightly to keep your feet planted firmly so the winds of deception don't pursuade you to make wrong choices. 

Always be prepared to seek Godly shelter when the storms of life come. His shelter will keep your spirit safe and bring a peace like no other, even in the most horrific of storms. Safe travels my friend and God bless.

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