Saturday, June 29, 2019

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

I recall as a child in elementary school I was working on an art project and failing miserably at it. My teacher saw I was struggling and came to my rescue. She was able to take my mess and turn it into something that turned out beautiful. I’ll never forget that story, for her compassion saved the day!

This morning I was reading a devotion about God’s love for us when we mess up. The thought came to mind…God shows us His love through His grace. God’s grace is what put Jesus Christ on planet earth, so we could be forgiven and receive His love through His sacrifice on the cross. He meets us right where we are… even when we mess it up. But, by His grace we can have the confidence in knowing that He’ll take us “as is” and love us no matter what.

Maybe you feel like your life is one big mistake and wonder how God could possibly love you. Trust me friend, He loves you through His unending grace and compassion. As a child of God, you are His and HE will take care of you and help you make something beautiful from your life, even when you mess up! Rejoice in the Lord knowing His love is shown by His grace and forgiveness and has plans to prosper you and help you through life! God bless!

Friday, June 28, 2019

The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you, He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8

Yesterday at work was a stressful day. I had a few deadlines placed on me, a meeting that didn’t go as planned and to top it off I had to go and speak to someone who was in violation of one of our campground rules. By the time I got to the campground I was worn out mentally and emotionally and stressed. The park attendant told me the fella was quite a character and I figured he’d challenge me when I went to address his issue. On the way to the site, I prayed and simply asked God to go ahead of me and help me. I wasn’t in the mood to take on another challenge that day.

When I arrived at the site, to my surprise, the man was actually in the process of correcting his violation. I got out and confirmed he was the violator. One of the nicest guys I’ve ever met and we had a great conversation, and thankfully he agreed to be in compliance with our rules. For me it was a break from the day’s pressures and of course a prayer of thanks to God for going ahead of me and fixing the problem before I got there.

God can do the same for you friend. God doesn’t care how big or small your problem, He can fix anything in His way. Sometimes His way might not always produce the outcome we expected, but I can assure you its for your own good. Most of the time there will be a lesson learned or a blessing in the mix of His doing. Seek out the positive results when you release your problem into His hands and you will clearly see how He works in your every situation. God bless!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7

Yesterday’s blog was geared towards the ladies and how their presence in the lives of others is like an anchor. You know you can count on them to be there and even speaking wisdom when its needed. For the guys, today’s verse has a few nuggets of wisdom and instructions that men should follow closely.

First, dwell with them with understanding. Let’s face it, God created men and women with different thought processes, feelings and emotions. Women always take a look at things much differently than us guys. Its important to respect their view point, even when you don’t understand their reasoning. God has given them a soft approach to most things in life, and sometimes its important to embrace the soft and emotional side of understanding, for it leads to Godly characteristics like compassion, love and peace.

Honoring your wife as to the weaker vessel. Don’t take this that women are weak. They aren’t. But when you think of someone weak, you want to the help them, you are always prepared to give them a lending hand and make way for them. God wants you to make the path smooth for the woman in your life. When you do, they give you respect and honor and your days spent with them will be more positive and encouraging.

No one wants their prayers hindered. When you don’t live in the manner God has called you to live as a Godly man and husband, your prayer life will be out of whack. God intentionally allows chaos to bring your back to your senses. Trust me, its better to show respect and honor to what God has given you than to put aside the very one who will be there when everyone has left your side. Honor and respect your wife like a cherished coin and you’ll never find yourself out of alignment with God’s perfect will!

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

…rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God. 1 Peter 3:4

This morning I was reading a devotion from a woman who interpreted this verse as a woman who should be meek. That meekness should be that of a boring Christian, one who doesn’t rock the boat or speak out loud. She shared that a mentor told her she was a child of God, created with special gifts and abilities and that she should be strong in her faith and through God’s strength be the woman God created her to be, not a quiet person, sitting off to the side.

That made me think for a minute of my grandmother. She was a devout Christian lady and always shared her faith and words of Godly wisdom gained through years of bible study and living life dependent upon God. She lived 2 days short of her 100th birthday. As I think about her, I think of her as an anchor for me and my family. We all looked up to her for wisdom and guidance. Even when we didn’t want to hear it, it spilled out from her heart in love. And she was always right.

For the women out there reading this, I challenge you to be that anchor for the people who depend upon you. God has given you the gift to multi-task and do for others while you tend to your own needs. He gave you a gentle heart to care for those in need and show a love like no other. He gave you a mind to grow in wisdom and give advice, even when its not wanted, but needs to be heard. Be that anchor, for many people in your life depend upon you. Your strength is the anchor for many. Trust in God to grow your faith so you can be that Godly anchor. God bless!  

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is in the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit. Jeremiah 17:7–8.

Just a few days ago we encountered a strong storm with winds up to 60 mph. As you can guess, we had trees blown down all over the place. As I rode around yesterday, I looked at those trees and could see their root system. The tree roots of the fallen trees were small, all contained in one area and not deep at all. The rain loosened the soil and the wind blew them over with ease. Even some large trees were not rooted enough to withstand the wind and fell.

As Christians, you can expect to encountered many life storms. Storms brought about by Satan’s chaos, our own doing or storms permitted by God to test and strengthen our faith. Sometimes those storms can seem unbearable and will make you feel like you are about to be blown over. Staying rooted in God’s word, prayed up and continually fed through church attendance and worship is the ONLY way you will stay strong enough to weather the storms of life.

God promises to be with us through every storm we face in life. I can tell you personally He has kept me grounded when I felt like my strength had given out a long time ago. It’s because I put my faith and trust in Him to see me through another day. You can experience the same confidence by getting rooted deep into God’s foundation. You might not encounter fewer storms, but you will be strong enough to weather them and find blessings after they pass! Have a blessed day.  

Monday, June 24, 2019

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Romans 8:26

Yesterday I was having lunch with Lori, my son Payton and his girlfriend. We were talking about a situation where someone had made some extra money, but it had to go for a specific, unexpected and unwanted expense. Thankfully she had the extra cash, but unfortunately it couldn’t have been spent elsewhere…like on something fun. In the middle of our conversation, my son made this statement….”Life will adjust for you.” Makes sense.

Almost immediately today’s verse came to mind. As Christians we have the Holy Spirit who resides in our life. When we become heavy burdened and don’t know what to pray, the Holy Spirit prays on our behalf, making intercession for us. What a privilege it is to have this gift from God. I can tell you there have been times in my life when my spiritual energy level has dropped to almost nothing, yet God kept me going through the power of the Spirit’s prayers on my behalf. I look back now and see how He worked things out for my own good. He will do the same for you if you simply put your faith and trust in Him.

What ever you go through in life as a child of God, have the confidence in knowing God will adjust for you! He will help you when you need it. Thank Him today for his Spirit who resides with you and ask God to continue His blessings of taking care of your needs, even before you see the need itself. God has you covered friend. Walk in confidence today with Him! God bless!

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Thus Noah did: according to all that God commanded him, so he did. Genesis 6:22

Found in the book of Genesis, chapters 6 – 8, you can read about Noah and his instructions to build a huge boat (ark) that would hold himself, his family and two of each living creature, while God allowed a great flood to destroy what He created, on earth, over a period of 40 days and 40 nights. Noah was around 480 years old when he started this project and it took him approximately 120 years to build the ark, making him 600 years old at the completion of the project.

As I read this information, I’m was shocked at the length of time it took for God’s plan to come to fruition. And Noah, at age 480 years, took on this plan of Gods. I know it was to save his life, but at some point I’d be like…go a head and take me God! LOL. But, Noah was faithful and obedient to God and His plan to save them, the livestock and begin a new life.

This story reminds me of the word “patience.” Just think how patient Noah had to be to go ahead with God’s plan. Maybe a year or two, but 120 years? Yet, Noah loved God and God found grace in the eyes of Noah (Gen 6:8). He knew Noah would complete the project, and he did. Right on time!

God has a plan for your life. He wants you to do something great for Him and what He asks of you most likely will take time, much time. Have you discovered it? Has God found you a faithful servant? When you give God your time and trust in His plan, He blesses you along the way! And when its time to put it into action, God caries it through to fruition with your help. But you must stay loyal and remain patient with God’s timing!

Whatever God has planned for you, take it on with courage and in faith, knowing God can do something amazing with your abilities as you wait patiently for the ripe harvest! Time is in your hands, use it for Him today! God bless!

Friday, June 21, 2019

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. 1 Corinthians 9:24
Back when I was in Jr. High, a few years ago, I ran in track, specifically the 400 meter relay. I was one of 4 guys who each ran 100 meters and we’d hand off the baton to the next runner on our team. We made it to the district level race and knew our competitors were very fast and we didn’t stand a chance of winning. The funny thing is as all the other team’s runners were about to change out batons, all the competitors dropped their batons. The team mate who handed the baton to me yelled “run Barr run…everyone else dropped their batons…we have a chance of winning”. Boy, I ran like a winner! By the end of the race we came in second place and advanced to the state finals.  If only we had all run like winners we might have been first that day.
As a Christian, do you run your life as a winner, or do you often accept second place? God never intended for us to be losers. We are all winners in His eyes, but our attitude and focus needs to alighn with today’s verse. Live out your life as a winner and don’t accept defeat. Satan will try to tell you that no one is a winner, but we all know he is the biggest loser….so block out his voice and listen to our coach, God! He created you to win in your life. He gave you specific talents and abilities to win. Live out your faith every day as a winner and hear God say as you cross the finish line….”well done my good and faithful servant”! God bless!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3: 5-6


Here lately I’ve had to rely on my phone’s mapping system to help me navigate to different places I’ve been. Its pretty cool as it shows me the route I am to take and the voice tells me when to turn. Sometimes I get confused when I look at the map and think I need to turn when I actually need to wait until the phone’s voice instructs me to turn on the right street. I’ve missed several critical turns on recent trips because I misread the map.


Slam dunk! How often as Christians do we take turns off the path God has created for us. We get impatient and want to make a turn towards something we think is good for us, yet it takes us off the path He’s laid out for us and will take some effort to get back on path. Can you relate?


A simple message came to me just yesterday…..”No voice, No turn.” If you can’t hear His voice, then there is NO need to make that turn off His path. Patience is the key to a successful journey that will lead you to your destination on time and without much struggle. A lesson I’ve had to learn several times. Maybe its taken you a while to grasp that concept as well. If you do, it will spare you a lot of detours and oftentimes pain is associated with the misguided turns. Stay the course my friend! God bless~!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor know Him. 1 John 3:6


Have you heard the saying: “like a fish out of water”? Maybe you’ve experienced this; you’ve been in a place that is foreign and you aren’t sure what to do or how to survive in it. Either you took a wrong turn in life or something happened that put you in an uncomfortable place. Take a moment and think about that experience and recall the struggles you encountered.


Life is all about choices. As a Christian, your choices should be to follow God in complete obedience. Sometimes though you can get off track and pursue something your heart desired, but is totally outside God’s will for your life. When this happens, you find yourself in unfamiliar territory and you struggle to survive in the environment you thought was perfect. In other words you feel like a fish out of water.


Every decision you make in life should be based around the will of God. Purposeful sin will leave you floundering in an environment not conducive for the child of God. You must continue to choose the environment best suited for your spiritual journey and purpose God has for your life. God continues to make that more evident in my life every day.


So maybe you’ve flopped yourself out of God’s perfect environment for your life and the struggles are real. Time to turn to the living water and get back in the environment God never intended for you to leave. Ask Him to reel you back in as you find peace and happiness in His will for your life! God bless!

Monday, June 17, 2019

And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. Matthew 5:41

Today’s verse reminds me of the catchy phrase..”going the extra mile for someone.” No doubt we all live busy lives. Even when we try to maintain a simple schedule, something always seems to keep our time consumed. Can you relate? The danger is getting too consumed and not having time to go the extra mile with someone in need. 

Honestly, it doesn’t take long when you are out and about in the world to see the needs of others. From the man standing in the parking lot with a sign needing some food or gas money, the woman with three kids and a shopping cart full of groceries trying to load them into her car by herself, the elderly person who tripped and fell in front of you and needs help getting up. How about your neighbor who is going through a crisis and needs someone to give him words of encouragement. The list is endless, and the opportunities are so present. The question is…are you willing to act upon the needs of those around you?

Going the extra mile for someone takes time, work and motivation. If you find yourself lacking in any of these things, pray and ask God to help you with what you are short on. He will provide you the time, strength and motivation to help others if you surrender yourself to His will. Your time is the biggest hindrance to doing the Lords work. But trust me, when you give of yourself, God will make time slow and you will actually find more time on your hands as a result of your efforts. Are you ready to go the extra mile for someone today? Go for it and be a blessing to those around you! God bless!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen yet have believed.” John 20:29

The old saying “seeing is believing” has a lot of truth attached to it. As humans, we want to see something before we believe in it. Its only natural, otherwise we would put our faith and trust in what someone told us…..and that might be a hard pill to swallow.

For today’s Christians, we have to see Jesus through our faith in Him. I can tell you that my conversion experience was so real. I could feel the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart until I accepted Jesus into my life. Since that time, I have seen God work through various circumstances and provide me endless blessings. God has been so good and I trust Him, yet have not seen Him in person.

A great place to get a good look at Him is in the bible. Its full of His words, wisdom, encouragement and devotion of love for mankind. Oftentimes the answer to a question came from scripture that only God could have led me to. Its been around for over 2000 years so its proven itself through time.

Maybe you are looking for something real in life. Trust me when I tell you God is real and He is visible through His words and works in your life. All you have to do is simply believe in Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross to save your soul, then live out your days through faith and trust in Him. Blessed are those who have not seen yet believed. Believe in the risen Savior and be blessed!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
This morning I was reminded that it’s important to give thanks for everything we have. When the chips are down and all we can see is the bottom, it’s a good time to start counting our blessings, starting with the solid ground on which we stand and go from there. Family, friends, job, church, the world around us….life….we have so much to be thankful for. When we turn our troubled thoughts to a spirit of thanksgiving, we honor God and abide within His will.
God created this world for our enjoyment. We should honor Him by thanking Him every day. Once this becomes a habit, your outlook on life will be more positive and those “downers” will simply fade off into the background, in the shadows of God’s bigger blessings.
Today, take a look at your blessings and thank God for what He has allowed in your life! Your day will get a little brighter! God bless!

Monday, June 10, 2019

Then He said to me, “Son of man, have you seen what the elders of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the room of his idols? For they say, The Lord does not see us, the Lord has forsaken the land. Ezekiel 8:12

I’ve heard it said that character is how you behave even when no one is looking. This is a true statement. If we could peel back the walls that you live behind, what would we see? Would we see the “you” that you portray or would it be someone completely different? I know one person who sees us from the outside, looking inward. God!

He sees and knows all. He even knows your thoughts. Kinda scary when you think about it. But, the truth be known, He created us and He knows our vulnerabilities and weaknesses. That is why He gave us His Holy Spirit to help guide us through life, convicting us when we step outside His will and provides wisdom for the times we need it. What you do behind the walls of your house and within your mind does matter. It really matters to God and you should work to condition your mind and life to model after His ways and seek out His will for your life!

When you abide in the Lord and seek after His wisdom you will no longer need to hide in shame, but walk freely with the love of God radiating out from your soul. No wall can hide who you truly are. Come clean today with God and start living the life of righteousness! God bless!

Sunday, June 9, 2019

He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

Many times in life we face something much bigger than us. Financial crises, health issue, relationship troubles….the list is endless. These events can seem overwhelming, leaving you without much hope and robbing you of your joy. When left to your own power and strength to work through, you can become drained spiritually, emotionally and even physically. As children of God, our nature takes us straight to God with our problems, asking for His help. The question is….do you believe He can bring a miracle to resolve your problem?

I believe the answer is YES! I love today’s verse, quoted by Jesus Himself! Faith in God is the foundation on which we stand as His children. It took faith for us to believe in God and what Jesus did on the cross to save us. Faith should be the very thing that encourages us to believe that God will answer our prayers for help, healing and recovery when we put forth our request. His response might not come immediately, but it’s been noted and He is responding in accordance to His plan. And trust me, His plan is always the best. It usually brings strength to our faith, a lesson taught and encouragement for the next challenge life throws at us.

Whatever is facing you and you are asking God for a miracle, believe that He will respond and take care of your situation in the best possible way. When you believe and trust in Him, this peace will come over you like no other. People will even notice the calm in your life as you navigate the raging seas of your circumstances. Trust God today to answer your call for help! God bless!

Saturday, June 8, 2019

The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. Psalm 95:5

Yesterday, while driving to work, I saw two plastic bottles sitting next to the street drain. The heavy rain we received must have washed them down the street and about to drop off into the city’s drainage system. Where do those two bottles go from there? Eventually into a body of water, as they move along with each rain event.

Pollution. I see if every day. From the end of my street, along the roadsides and even in the lake at which I work. I can tell you there is too much pollution and it all results from people’s careless and purposeful actions to litter. NOTHING makes me madder than people littering. It pollutes God’s creation and I’m sure He is not happy when people discard their trash onto His masterpiece.

I strongly encourage you to take time to help beautify His creation by ceasing to litter (if you do) and pick up trash when you have an opportunity. It shows respect for what God has blessed us with and we do our part by taking care of what He has entrusted us with as caretakers over this planet we call home. Pick up some litter today and keep this planet alive and well! God bless!

Friday, June 7, 2019

So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. James 1:19 – 20

I recently saw a Facebook post that said….”The teacher is always quiet during a test.” How true it is for the Christian when facing trials of life. First and foremost, God is always with us as His children. He carefully walks ahead of us through every circumstance and trial we face, paving the way forward. So often we get wrapped up in our situation with fear, anger, anxiety and stress that we often can’t hear His voice or become blind to the path He has created for us. Can you relate? 

Today’s scripture gives us a few qualities needed when facing the trial, or test. We must clear out all the noise so we can focus our hearing towards Him. That is done through quiet times in prayer and scripture reading. Many times in my life I’ve had to step away from my circumstance so I can focus solely on Him. 

Secondly, its important to speak less. Yea, we’ve got a lot to talk about and questions to ask, but God knows our every question, He knows our every worry. We don’t need to fill the air with our voice! We need to keep it quiet as possible so we can hear Him without our complaints and frustrations. Whew…I needed to hear this myself!

Third, keep ourselves in check. I know when I’m stressed, I get frustrated and angered. When I don’t know the answer to something I get testy. Can you relate? An angered spirit can’t reflect the Christlike character traits that God has called us to live out in our daily lives. We must be patient and keep ourselves in check. 

Whatever you are going through God knows exactly what it is. He is already steps ahead of you and can see the end result from His viewpoint. We need to be quiet, keep our ears open for His direction and allow no distractions to interrupt the journey so we’ll get to the intended destination God has planned through the trial He permitted! Keep the faith and walk closely with Him! God bless!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

O Lord God of hosts, Who is mighty like You, O Lord? Your faithfulness also surrounds You. You rule the raging of the seas; When its waves rise, You still them. Psalm 89:8-9

You ever know someone who is full of positive energy. When he or she walks in the room, its like people notice and they quickly gain respect and appreciation for this person. The words the speak, the manner in which they stand, just their presence makes you feel good in that moment. And when they are in action, it seems like there are no worries about the task at hand. They are fully confident and capable of tackling anything that comes their way. 

Today’s verse is an excellent reminder of the God we serve. For His children (His followers), He is totally faithful to love, protect and bring encouragement. Just His presence in your life and mine should be enough to keep the fire going inside of us. WE serve a risen Savior, a King of Kings and Lord of Lords. If He can create the world and universe we live in, He can certainly calm the waves of adversity in your life. Its important to realize that He lives inside of you, as a believer, and child of God. All you have to do is lean on His Spirit and put the request before Him. God, I need your help! 

Forecast is for storms today here locally. Maybe your forecast looks about the same….and you know a storm is a brewing for your life. Call on God today for help. He is faithful and will oversee you throughout the day. I LOVE this part of todays verse…”Your faithfulness surrounds you.” WOW. He is the faithful one who will see you through today! Trust Him as you journey through today! God bless!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:24

Yesterday I spent a little time shopping on my day off from work. While in one store, I had a sales person check on me from the moment I walked into the store, until I departed. They were very attentive to my needs and answered my questions. It was a positive experience for sure and the best part, I got the best deal on their sales that day. 

The same is true with God. As you take a step into each new day, He is there, ready to greet you and walk you through it. God has plans for you and He wants you to help you navigate the day successfully. Just know that whatever happens in this day, God has allowed it to pass through His hands and is there to help you get through it! 

Maybe your day has stared off a bit challenging and you need help. Just call on the Lord for help! He knows where you are in the day and is right there, equipping you with His strength, wisdom and encouragement to navigate what ever the challenge is facing you at the moment. Call on Him today! He has a plan for you in this day and is ready to help! God bless!