Thursday, March 24, 2022

 A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself; the simple pass on and are punished. Proverbs 27:12


Imagine if you will a blind man walking on top of a mountain and using his cane to check the ground before he takes each step. That cane ensures the next step is there and is safe to move forward. Now consider him nearing the edge of a cliff, as he uses his cane, he doesn’t feel anything ahead, yet he continues to take the next step, which leads to a horrific fall to his death. You have to question why he took it, knowing his cane told him it’s not safe to move forward.


As Christians, we must always be on guard for the dangers of sin. Sadly, some continue to walk right into a sinful behavior and not think it will have an impact on their life. The truth is, sin has consequences and 100% of the time those sins come with negative responses; maybe not immediately, but they will eventually catch up to you.


A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself. When you don’t feel a firm foundation of where you are in life, it’s time to take a step back to evaluate where you are headed. Always keep a watchful eye out for every endeavor you start and make sure it aligns with God’s will and purpose for your life. Sin is NEVER part of God’s plan, so avoid anything that is prohibited in God’s word.


Today is a new day to start afresh and purposeful walk with the Lord. Make each step count and avoid the pitfalls of satan’s ways of deception. God knows the path He has for you, so follow His still quiet voice in confidence. God bless!


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