Monday, March 21, 2022

 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6


“What would Jesus do” became a popular phrase back in the 1990s, promoted by a youth group leader, to encourage teens to consider what Jesus would have them do with their life. WWJD spread like fire across the country to motivate Christians, young and old, to ask what would Jesus do in their specific circumstance and follow His lead. This movement caused people to strengthen their faith in Jesus.


Since then, this saying hasn’t died, it just isn’t considered much in today’s society. Many people, including Christians, have adopted their own way of living, and oftentimes counter to God’s word. I look around and have to believe that God isn’t happy with the way things are going. Pursing a life pleasing to the Lord isn’t on everyone’s radar and it shows by the today’s standards.


I want to encourage you (and myself) to seek after the Lord and what pleases Him. Every decision you make, ever move you take, every word spoken, even the thoughts that grind in your mind should be aligned with standards set forth in His word. The ONLY way to get there is by reading your bible and have a daily bible study. There are a variety of informational sources, but many are full of mis-information and can lead you down the wrong way of thinking. God’s word never changes, so you can rely on its credibility to provide you a solid foundation in which to live.


It's time we start asking what pleases God. Begin with your faith in Him and allow His Holy Spirit to lead you throughout each day in prayer, bible study and the prompting of His Spirit. He’s speaking to you today, listen carefully and follow in obedience and God’s blessings will be the visible fruit of your faith in Him.


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