Thursday, March 3, 2022

 For God will bring every work into judgement, including every secret thing, whether good or evil. Ecclesiastes 12:14


There is an old saying I’ve heard many times growing up: “If you are going to do something, do it well.” Whatever you do, if you do it well, you won’t have to repeat it to make it right, you’ll have pride in what you’ve done with no regrets and most of all it speaks to your character. Getting a job done right shows you care and are invested in the task at hand.


Today’s verse is a great reminder that everything we do will be judged by God. If you are like me, you can pinpoint times in your life when you weren’t living right and your works were not within the will of God. Every decision that you make, every action that you take, even your thoughts will be judged.


Doing the right things shouldn’t be difficult. If you are truly in love with your Savior, your heart’s desire should be to please Him.  If you find your choice to do the right things in life are difficult, maybe you need to spend more time with the Lord in active prayer and read His word.


When you do right, He opens the door to His blessings and makes right choices work to your advantage. Even if making right choices don’t work in your favor with others, do the right thing anyhow. All that truly matters is what the Lord thinks. Trust me, doing the right thing in life will be more rewarding than the temporary pleasure of doing something outside His will. Fill your life with purposeful obedience and God will reward you on the day of judgement. God bless!

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