Friday, March 11, 2022

 The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22


With a drop in the stock market, I decided to move some money into a financial account and buy stock at this lower price with anticipation of it going back up…..hopefully soon. Every now and then I check the market to see how its going and constantly tell myself, we’ll see improvement soon. Although I’m not obsessed with the market, it certainly has my attention right now.


We all invest in something. Weather it’s a financial account, hobby, job, family or decorating your home. Over time you appreciate your successes and want to invest more. People know you by who or what you invest yourself in.


Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4


When you invest in the Lord, you please Him, and He in return blesses you. Sometimes He multiplies your investment in Him and does so much with your faithfulness. There are many, many ways to invest in Him, through acts of service for the church, helping others, financially supporting missions or just living a life after the character of Jesus by showing love to those around you. The list is endless, but nothing you do for the Lord goes unnoticed by Him and He is more than capable of taking what little resources you have and providing an abundance of blessings back your way. You can never outgive or outdo the Lord.  


What’s something you can do today to further the kingdom of God? Take that step of faith and invest yourself in Him and He will make it go further and bless you along the way! God bless!

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