Wednesday, March 30, 2022

 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. James 1:22


A few weeks ago, I purchased a really nice table saw for my woodworking shop. I splurged and bought an expensive one that is solid and will perform many functions, which should last for years. When it arrived, two people had to load it in my shop. When I opened the box and looked inside, I saw it had many, many parts, so I closed it and decided to wait until an opportune time to put the pieces together. Procrastination got the best of me, as I read through the instructions and continued to put off its construction. Finally, I found a window of time and carefully put all the pieces together. It took 4 hours, but was worth it.


As Christians, we read through the bible and gain nuggets of wisdom and guidance for our lives. Yet, so often what we read seems too much to live up to, so we close the bible and wait to read another chapter that will be more pleasing to the eyes. We simply put off or push back from what we know God would have us to do. Have you ever experienced this in your life?


Just like that instruction manual for the table saw, the bible lays out specific plans for your life! Its words build a Christ like character in you, which works towards accomplishing God’s plan to reach the world with His love and forgiveness. Unless you take action upon what you read, your purpose in life will never be accomplished.  


Like today’s verse says, be doers of God’s word and not just a reader. God has many awesome things in store for your life and it requires your time and priority to follow in close obedience. Don’t procrastinate His blessings any longer, be a doer of His word and you’ll find great things in your life and the lives of those you touch through following His word!   


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