Tuesday, March 8, 2022

 But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony. Luke 21:13


My thoughts keep going back to the people of Ukraine. The one thing that really stands out is their bravery to fight for their country. Despite the odds against them, they have vowed to fight til the end. When the pressure is on, how do you respond?


Jesus said, “In this world you will have tribulation.” I can testify after living 50 plus years of life, troubles will surround you at times, testing your faith and patience. God uses these troubles to provide an opportunity to share your faith. The inner peace you have with Him, brings a calm in the middle of life’s storms. The painful loss of loved ones, brings a spirit of joy knowing they are with the Lord. The sense of security that comes with few of the world’s possessions. All of your emotions, words and actions show the outside world that the Holy Spirit of God lives inside of you and your confidence in Him is enough to carry you through another day.


To be totally transparent, I’m still a work in progress myself, and maybe you can say the same for yourself. Don’t beat yourself up, feeling defeated by your shortcomings. And certainly don’t compare your life with other Christians. We are all a work in progress and some have had more time, more of life’s tribulations that have shaped them into a closer reflection of Jesus. You’ll get there as long as you continue to seek after the Lord in your life.


Everything we go through in life is an occasion for our personal testimony. Ask God to help you grow and develop the character of Christ in you. Each day provides an opportunity for growth. God bless!

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