Wednesday, March 23, 2022

 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21


What consumes your mind all day? Is it the worries of life, maybe you focus on a special relationship or your mind is always trying to plan out your day between work, family and personal time. There is a endless list of things to think about, but only one thing truly matters, your heart. Where you heart is, that’s where your true focus will be. Everything in your life has a priority and what matters most to you will always be at the top of that list.


Today’s verse is a reminder of the fact that what we value the most is where we invest our time and resources. I encourage you to take some time today and evaluate what matters most to you and see if your relationship with God has any influence over your heart’s desires.


Everything in your life, the good and bad, has been sifted through the hands of God. His plan for you is to grow you into His image. Only by keeping your heart “Christ focused”, will you be able to make Him a priority in all of life’s responsibilities and treasures.  Leaning on His Holy Spirit to guide you through each day will help you maintain that Heaven bound focus and not get caught up in the earthly treasures that can be taken away without reason.


“but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where thieves do not break in and steal.” Matthew 6:20


Invest in Jesus Christ. He gave His all so you can have the freedom of life eternal. Your treasures on earth have little value in Heaven, so make your investments worthy of Him who gave your life purpose as a light into the darkness! God bless!


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