Sunday, March 20, 2022

 The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your hole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in your is darkness, how great is the darkness. Matthew 6:22-23


Have you ever met someone who was full of energy, had a positive outlook and made the room brighten upon their entrance? I know many people like this and it’s a joy to be around them. Knowing their history, they’ve gone through some difficult challenges in life, yet they came out with joy on the other side. You’ve got to ask, how do they maintain that joy and positive vibe?


I believe today’s verses answer that question. Your eyes are the doorway to your heart. What you allow your eyes to see and read impacts the heart. Simply put, if you read and see positive things, your heart will be positive. If you allow your eyes to read negative things, then your heart will be bent towards the negative.


What’s negative? Social media can be one thing. I’ve had friends go through periods of severe depression and the first thing their counselor advised them was to stay off social media. Although there is some positive and encouraging information on the web, there is equally bad and many sites are programmed to allure you down paths you never planned. Pornography is another negative as it provides a false view of love and tears apart God’s whole purpose for the marriage relationship. The news can be alarming, especially these days, and their whole purpose is to generate emotions that keep you glued to the media outlets (I struggle here). It’s good to be in the know, but keep those emotions and thoughts in check.


What’s positive? God’s word is the first to come to mind. The words of Jesus Christ as encouraging and provide life sustaining wisdom. There are great self-help books that provide tips on doing life God’s way. One book I read years ago helped prepare me when I went back to college, “The Power of Positive Mental Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peal. An awesome book that I recommend to anyone seeking to change their mindset.   


Yes, it’s a long blog, but the point is, feeding the heart positive will result in a positive view and the light of Christ will radiate outward when your heart is healthy. Protect those eyes from the dark things in life and you’ll see a brighter more positive you. God bless!

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