Saturday, March 26, 2022

 Fight the good fight of faith. 1 Timothy 6:12a


Going back to the topic of the Ukraine people, they are all fighting for their country. Men and women of all ages are standing their ground to defend their country so they can continue to enjoy the freedoms once held. These brave men and women should be in the forefront of our thoughts and prayers as they are sacrificing their lives for a worthy cause.


Timothy reminds Christians to fight the good fight of faith. The bible is very clear that anyone associated with Jesus Christ will face some form of persecution or trial in their life (John 16:33). The world, as a whole, rejects the holiness of God, because its ruler is satan. Satan has blinded the mind of unbelievers (2 Corinthians 4:4). Because of their blindness, they can’t grasp the gospel, they can’t connect to God’s holiness, so they chase after falsehood and things counter to the word of God.


As a child of God, you must continue your pursuit to live out your faith, regardless of the criticism, persecution and even potential death for the cause of Christ. Many around the world are suffering greatly for their belief, because of their commitment to Jesus Christ. Don’t let them die in vain. Your world of freedom is God’s blessing and you (and myself) should use it for God’s glory to share the good news of Christ.


The lost are dying by the thousands, totally blind and without faith in the Savior. You can be that light that leads them out of darkness. Continue to fight the good fight of faith. It’s what you are called to do as a child of the living God! Blessings!


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