Wednesday, March 16, 2022

 Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. Psalm 34:10


If you think about it, developing your relationship with God is similar to learning how to drive a car. In the beginning you study all there is about driving safely, learning the laws of the road and checking your vehicle’s equipment to ensure its road worthy. Over time you’ll have an occasional accident which provides a learning opportunity so you don’t make the same mistake. From those mistakes, you develop good driving skills and because of your safe driving, you benefit from lower insurance payments and a good driving record.


Upon acceptance of Jesus Christ into your life, you should desire to immerse yourself in God’s word to understand your new found relationship and learn from Jesus’ example of how to live a life pleasing to Him. Along the way you’ll make mistakes and fall short of His will, but those are opportunities to learn from your weakness and strategize how to avoid falling into the same trap of temptation. Through the years, you’ll find your behavior, thoughts and words align more and more like Jesus, this is the process of sanctification.  “Set apart” from the ways of the world is the end result of those who’ve grown wise in their spiritual development.


The benefit of growing your relationship with the Lord? God’s blessings. When you are on track with God’s will for your life, you position yourself for His perfect plan that gives you the best understanding of life and your purpose here. God’s blessings are His rewards for your obedience and encouragement to continue in your pursuit after Him. Today’s verse is so true: Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing. God bless!


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