Wednesday, March 2, 2022

 Contributing to the needs of the saints, practice hospitality. Romans 12:13


One thing we’ve seen come out of the conflict in Ukraine is unity of their citizens. Together, they have fought against the forces of the Russian army and have won many battles due to their determination to fight for their country. On the backside of the battle line, is hospitality of neighboring countries who have welcomed the Ukraine people and provided food, shelter and compassion. The ugliness of war has brought much good to a country willing to fight for their freedom.


Yesterday’s blog talked about the battles we face as Christians, sometimes on a daily basis. Conflict at work, home, family or financial struggles, all of these can leave one completely deflated and feeling hopeless. As fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, we must take care of our Christian family members who are in need. Reaching out in love, giving of our time, prayer, even financial help, is what God expects of us. We were never meant to go at life alone. We must come together in unification as we struggle to live in this foreign land.


“In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33


Heaven is home for the Christian. Until we get there, lets come together to serve each other through encouragement, love, prayer and providing resources to help sustain one another. Who can you show hospitality to in your church? Reach out today! God bless!


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