Saturday, March 19, 2022

For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light. Mark 4:22


Everyone has skeletons in the closet; things that have happened in your life that you don’t want anyone to know about. Maybe it was an affair, something you stole or even a serious crime committed and to this day no one knows about it. Well, there is One who knows and that is God.


Today’s passage clearly reminds us that nothing goes unnoticed by God. At the conclusion of your life, you will stand before God to answer for the things you’ve done, standing accountable for everything, even those hidden things that no one knows about. So often we forget about the final standing of judgement and continue to live life, sometimes hiding things from those who love us.


If you really consider the secretive things in your life, they probably have done nothing good for you and oftentimes you probably question why you even did those things. The best approach to clean out the closet is to ask for God’s forgiveness and seek His help in restoring relationships and bring justice to your injustice. It might be painful, but necessary if you are to live a life free from past mistakes. Guilt can do more emotional damage than the act itself.


Everything in your life has been under the watchful eye of your Maker. Don’t keep it hidden any longer. Confess, restore and find freedom in your decision to bring light to the darkest areas of your life! God bless! 

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