Saturday, March 5, 2022

 Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Matthew 12:34


Living in the south, you can tell if a person is southern born by how they speak.  When I moved to Georgia in 1992, everyone noticed my speech and questioned where I was from. Even today, after 30 years living in the south, they can still tell I’m from up north.


There is actually a lot you can tell of a person by what they say. Today’s passage gives a clear message, that what’s in the heart, comes out through a person’s mouth. An evil person cannot speak good things. Nor a good person speak evil things.


Do you listen to what comes out of your mouth? It’s a good indicator of your heart’s health. Words that are joyful, praising God, full of grace and love indicate a heart that is in tune with God. Words that tear down others, hateful speech, words that shouldn’t be spoke by a child of God indicate the heart needs more work.


The best source for heart health is in the word of God. Reading scripture transforms the mind and shapes the way you think and act. Staying in daily communication with the Lord through prayer and seeking His wisdom will help you stay in tune with Him through the Holy Spirit, living inside of you. Finally, surrounding yourself with Godly people will keep you accountable to your heart diet, so you’ll grow in a positive environment.


Pulse check your heart today and ask God to help you remove the unhealthy attitudes, thoughts, behaviors and words that are unbecoming to the Lord so you can find joy in your heart, maintain a positive outlook, share the love of Christ with others and provide grace and mercy to those around you. Start today and don’t stop feeding your heart with the good things of God. Blessings friend!  


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