Monday, June 20, 2022

 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30


If you’ve driven much, you’ve probably encountered a “check engine” warning light. That signifies something is wrong with the vehicle and it’s best to get it checked out. Sometimes the warning indicator flashes red, which means to stop and turn off the engine. That is cause for serious concern, and by continuing on, could cause extensive damage to your car and expensive to repair.


Thankfully God has given each Christian His Holy Spirit. His Spirit resides in the life of each believer and is there to pray on our behalf (Romans 8:26), but most of all, He monitors our life and alerts us when we are headed for spiritual disaster (1 Corinthians 10:13). God will never tempt you to sin, but He will monitor your path and throw up a warning sign that something bad is about to happen. It’s up to YOU to stop and turn the other way. Can you recall times in your life when your spiritual “check engine” light came on? I can, and in my younger days, I regrettably continued and paid for my sinful behavior. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to yield to that warning and it’s kept me running smoothly down the path of life.


Don’t ignore God’s warnings. He gave you His Spirit for help and protection. Without it, you’ll have difficulty staying within His will and God’s blessings will be held back until you repent and fall back in His perfect will for your life. God bless!


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